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Aptitude technologique de trois formules à base de riz pour la fabrication de couscous sans gluten.

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dc.contributor.author Boucheham, Nouhed
dc.contributor.author Zidoune, Mohammed Nasreddine
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-25T09:38:32Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-25T09:38:32Z
dc.date.issued 2009-02-25
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/10157
dc.description 76 f.
dc.description.abstract In Algeria, celiac patients complain of a lack of gluten-free foods. The main objective of this work is the manufacture of couscous without gluten from three formulas based of rice and dreid legumes : rice-beans (RF), rice-chickpea (RPC) and rice-pea (RPP). A traditional hand-made process with a precooking stage of the semolina was applied to the manufacture of three gluten-free couscous and a couscous-based durum wheat used as a witness. The three formulas appear to call for more time and more fine semolina as the witness. The reports mass water/semolina used in manufacturing are close: 0.24 to RF formula, 0.28 for the RPC Formula, 0.29 for the RPP formula, 0.31 for the witness. The three formulas tend to give couscous size finer than that of the witness. The finest couscous, is the RPP formula that gave more than 50% of couscous very end [800-500 [microns. The particles couscous RF and PRC have a more rounded, more homogenous and similar to their counterparts couscous witness that the C RPP particles that have a more heterogeneous. The three gluten-free couscous have given yields (43.99% for the formula RF, 43.96% for the formula PRC and 37.04% for the formula RPP) lower than the witness (60.59%); RPP is the formula that gave the lowest yield. The culinary quality of the three gluten-free couscous was comparable to that of the witness. At 100°C, the swelling indexes of couscous RPC (160.51%), RPP (159.58%) and RF (152.24%) were higher than that of the witness who is about 145.97%. The desintegration of gluten-free couscous is quite close compared to the witness except for the RPP formula where he introduced a degree of desintegration slightly higher. However, the stickiness indexes of glutenfree couscous seems much lower than that of the witness. Cooked couscous of RPC formula was classified first before the witness by sensorial evaluation in regard to the desintegration, the sticky and firmness. It was preferred by 6 members of the jury tasting against 6 who preferred couscous witness. The three couscous without gluten have darker colors than the witness. According to notes obtained is the C RF has the culinary skills closest to those of couscous witness except for color. The C RPP was ranked last, however, it was preferred by a taster of our jury.
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Nutrition, Alimentation et Technologies Agro-Alimentaires
dc.subject Nutrition, Alimentation et Technologies Agro-Alimentaires
dc.subject Sciences Alimentaires: Biochimie et Technologies Alimentaires
dc.subject Pois chiche
dc.subject Maladie coeliaque
dc.subject Couscous
dc.subject Riz
dc.subject Féverole
dc.subject Pois protéagineux
dc.subject Procédé traditionnel
dc.subject Qualité technologique
dc.subject celiac disease
dc.subject couscous
dc.subject rice
dc.subject Field bean
dc.subject chickpeas
dc.subject Field peas
dc.subject traditional process
dc.subject technological quality
dc.subject مرض عدم تحمل الغلوتین
dc.subject الكسكس
dc.subject أرز
dc.subject فول
dc.subject حمص
dc.subject بازلاء
dc.subject صناعة الكسكس التقلیدیة
dc.subject النوعیة التكنولوجیة
dc.title Aptitude technologique de trois formules à base de riz pour la fabrication de couscous sans gluten.
dc.type Thesis
dc.coverage 01 Disponible à la salle de recherche 02 Disponibles au magazin de la B.U.C. 01 CD

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