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Qualité de fromage à pâte molle type camembert fabriqué à la laiterie de Draa Ben Khedda

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dc.contributor.author Abdoune (Née Ouali), Samia
dc.contributor.author Mati, M.
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-25T09:32:04Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-25T09:32:04Z
dc.date.issued 2003-01-01
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/10097
dc.description 89 f.
dc.description.abstract In the goal to appreciate faculties to the transformation produces some derivative of the mixture (cool milk / recombinated milk) used in our country as palliative to the deficit of the production in raw milk, we achieved tests of cheese manufacture to dough soft Camembert type in the Dairy of Draa Ben Khedda while especially interesting us to the assessment of proteolytic activity taking place during the phase of refinement and the storage refrigerated of this cheese. This activity is measured by the free amino grouping dosage (method using a specific reactif: the TNBS) and by the follow-up of casein behaviour electrophoretic in Page - Urea. The impact of the pasteurization treatment (85°C during 20 dry) on the milk of departure and the nature of this last have been examined also. The achieved analyses showed that the mixed milk (mixture to equal parts between the cool milk and milk recombiné) permits, while correcting the rate weak proteic of the raw milk collected locally, to improve its value nutritional and its technological faculties. Nevertheless, electrophoretic pattern’s of seriqueses proteins in Page - Native as well as the soluble protein dosage after the treatment of pasteurization revealed a strong induced denaturation rate by this last and valued to about 30% in the case of milk recombiné used only. Concerning tea appreciation of tea refinement phase, however tea assessment of proteolytic activity is combinated to tea development of microorganisms, so much at tea level of tea superficial crust that in depth of tea derivative product tea gotten results showed that for tea two types of cheese considered (milk-based expenses solely however of tea mixed milk), tea proteolysis is pronounced more in surface that inside tea Camembert and this some either tea length of refinement considered. This activity, that is major after the sixth day of refinement, incomplete home after 12 days (time of maturation exercised to the unit. The extension of the refinement length at 15 and 210 days put besides in relief this insufficiency. Besides, the refrigerated storage doesn't seem to be a way appropriated for the characteristic organoleptiques expression searched for of the Camembert.
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Nutrition, Alimentation et Technologies Agro-Alimentaires
dc.subject Nutrition, Alimentation et Technologies Agro-Alimentaires
dc.subject Sciences Alimentaires: Nutrition Appliquée
dc.subject Electrophorèse
dc.subject Lait
dc.subject Camembert
dc.subject Fromage
dc.subject Valeur nutritionnelle
dc.subject Protéolyse
dc.subject TNBS
dc.subject Pasteurisation
dc.subject milk
dc.subject cheese
dc.subject proteolysis
dc.subject electrophoresis
dc.subject refinement
dc.subject pasteurization
dc.subject nutritionnelle worth
dc.subject quality
dc.title Qualité de fromage à pâte molle type camembert fabriqué à la laiterie de Draa Ben Khedda
dc.title nature de la matière première et évaluation de l'activité protéolytique au cours de l'affinage et de l'entreposage réfrigéré du fromage.
dc.type Thesis
dc.coverage 1 Disponible à la salle de recherche 02 Disponibles au magasin de la bibliothèque centrale 01 CD

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